Monday, July 20, 2009

A full tank.

Here's the deal.

Inspiration is like my fuel.

I love social networking, and the internet- It's like people watching when you can't or don't want to leave home.

I'm kind of a creepy stalker with it, but who's not, right? I just find certain people more interesting than others and choose to view their every change. They inspire me in one way or another.. Throughout all the pictures, videos, songs, and so on.

But I never fail to see our connections. As I switch the photograph or when the video ends, I remember that's not their life 24/7. Tonight as I bathe and conduct my quirky activities in my room, more than likely they're doing the same. The thought makes me so content to live my life.. My genuine love for humans and their peculiar lives would keep me glued to this computer screen all day.

And don't even get me started on books. Those are like my horcruxes -without the whole murdering thing. Parts of my soul are embedded within every outlandish personality.

Inspiration is about putting something to work. What would be the point if we wasted time overflowing with fuel? When people with a similar mindset come across me online, I'd like them to know that I'm out living my life. I'll document some of it on here- I'll always need a basin to pour my full heart into, but I'm straight livin. Whether that be lighting a candle and reading, belting out show tunes in the car to my friends, or having a nice chat with a stranger.
I breathe it all in, and then some.

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