Wednesday, July 28, 2010

She is hereeee annnnd nowwww-

No matter what any song is truly about- I literally always think it's about MY issues. Even when I know very well it's about something a whole lot more stale or profound. Making it all about me is my way of coping, I suppose.
Consider me spoiled.

I really did just have a fine little day today. It was cute and full. Work was good. Friends were better. My heart felt oddly warm. Really the only downer was that Sonny's was "out of lemons."

Though no matter how warm or cold the day, the same thoughts roll over and over and over in my head. All. Day. Long. To the point that I look up towards heaven and shrug my shoulders with a little chuckle. Hoping He'll understand that I'm sorry for taking up so much time with this... and that I know I'm trivial. And that if You want me to quit it.. to chill the heck out.. then please, I'm game with that.
And then I reaffirm my steady, straight-forward stare and begin the same thought process over again.

It's pathetic, I know. And as of now, I can't help myself. So I'll sing those songs at the top of my lungs. Convincing myself that they were tailor made by someone's heart that's just like mine, for me, at this very moment.

Even if it's about a band breaking up.. It's just my song, okay. & I love it.

(Listen to this entire album. It's my life. More importantly, it's VERY good.)

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